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Part Number IBC2602
Manufacturer I-BUS
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I-Bus IBC2602 Pentium III® Peripheral Master CPU Board Simple Type: CPU Board The computing core of the IBC 2602 is based around the Intel mPGA socket processor family and the Intel 440Bx chipset. The mPGA socket affords full scalability on the IBC 2602 from a low cost Mobile Celeron to a high performance Mobile Pentium III. This CPU meets and exceeds the demands of high performance servers in telecommunication and Internet applications. The low power of the mobile Pentium III allows the IBC 2602 to fit in a single slot and consume significantly less power than standard desktop processors. An Intel 21554 industry standard non-transparent bridge allows the IBC 2602 to be used as a Peripheral Master. As a Peripheral Master, up to seven IBC 2602's can reside in a CompactPCI system. The IBC 2602 offers a rich set of I/O and system peripherals including PMC, Compact Flash and 64-bit AGP video. The PMC expansion allows for additional I/O such as Ultra-SCSI or Fiber Channel technology support. With up to 128 Mbytes of CompactFlash and a field re-programmable BIOS in flash, boards may be configured without rotating media and still run disk-intensive applications such as Windows NT. For applications or development that require an IDE drive, the IBC 2602 offers a mezzanine IDE board. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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