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Part Number IBC2601
Manufacturer I-BUS
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I-Bus IBC2601 Dual Socket 370 Pentium III/Celeron Board Simple Type: CPU Board The IBC 2601 is a 6U CompactPCI System Master CPU, designed to deliver the high performance and bandwidth demanded by many of today's telecom, Internet and industrial control applications. The CPU delivers dual Pentium III performance, remaining affordable through the utilization of the Intel 440B chipset and cost-effective SDRAM. This makes the IBC 2601 an ideal solution for a broad range of applications. The IBC 2601 supports single Intel Celeron processors operating to 700MHz or single/dual Intel Pentium III processors operating up to 850MHz. Program and data storage needs are met with support for up to 768 Mbytes of SDRAM and 256 Mbytes of CompactFlash or 1GB MicroDrives. Additional features include dual 10/100 BaseTX Ethernet, PMC expansion and AGP Video. Also supported is the full set of standard PC peripherals including Ultra DMA IDE, 1.44 Mbyte floppy, USB, RS-232 serial ports, parallel port, mouse and keyboard. Other features include serial port console redirection, battery backed real-time clock, CPU temperature monitors, and watchdog timer. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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