RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number IBC-2501
Manufacturer I-BUS
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I-BUS IBC-2501 Chassis Management Controller Simple Type: Server Blade The IBC-2501 is a PICMG 2.9 compliant chassis management controller ideally for communication and networking application demanding continuous availability. It supports sensor threshold Monitoring, three-level alarming, and an IPMI 1.5 compliant command interface. It monitors chassis temperature (up to 8 sensors), backplane voltages (such as +12V, -12V, +5V, +3.3V, two input line voltages, and the on-board battery 6VDC), and health of individual power supply module. In addition, three user TTL digital inputs are available via the DB-9 male real panel connector. The alarming function provides timely notification when a pre-specified alarm threshold is crossed. Three severity levels of alarming are supported; minor, major, and critical.Three NEBS compliant relays, each contact is rated .25A, 175V are accessible through the DB-15 rear panel connector. Critical, non-recoverable, alarm triggers a red LED, audible alarm and the critical relay. Likewise, major alarms are indicated by and orange LED and minor alarms are indicated by an yellow LE. Alarms may also be set via the IPMI command interface by the host SBC where customer-specific system monitior application runs. Off-site notification is achieved by the SNMP agent software running on a host CPU board that utilize the host Ethernet network to communicate with a remote SNMP management appplication. Other features include ACO, CMC board reset and LED test push-buttons accessible on the face plate of the CMC board. The Audible Alarm Cut Off (ACO) push button allows user to suppress or acknowledge a currently active alarm(s). The ACO LED is turned on when ACO is in effect. The LED push-button initiates an LED test sequence to verify operation of all alarm LEDs. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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