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Part Number IBC 2606
Manufacturer I-BUS
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I-BUS IBC 2606 CPU Board - 6U-size CompactPCI Master SBC with Pentium III/Celeron processor Simple Type: CPU Board The IBC-2606 is a CompactPCI system controller with the Intel Pentium III/Celeron processor CPU on board compliant to PICMG 2.0, R3.0 CompactPCI specification. Together with I-Bus awardwinning system chassis, it is an ideal platform for applications such as third-generation (3G) wireless, voice over internet protocol (VoIP), networking image processing, and other telecom/data communication applications. The IBC-2606 architecture meets customer's high performance requirements for both CPU's and I/O's. The new IBC-2606 has been optimized for the Intel Pentium III/Celeron processor and Intel 440BX chipset. It represents the next step in high performance cPCI platforms, delivering high performance with a micro architecture which includes 256KB L2 Cache for the Pentium III (128KB for the Celeron) and PC-100 SDRAM memory with ECC up to 512MB. On-board I/Os on the front panel provides dual 10/100 Mbps. Ethernets ports, USB 1.0 port, dual high speed serial ports, VGA video interface, and PS/2 mouse/keyboard interfaces. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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