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Part Number C0406A
Manufacturer I-BUS
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I-BUS C0406A CPU Board - 4U 6-slot Horizontal CompactPCI Platform w/ 5 front-accessible SCA drives Simple Type: CPU Board The C0406A CompactPCI platform employs key features to meet the high availability requirements of the communication, network and server marketplace. The C0406A system platform supports full I/O hot swap compliant with PICMG 2.1 R2.0, a 5 SCA hot-swap SCSI disk array, a hot swap blower Cooling design, and dual redundant hot swap power supplies. As an option, it is equipped with a PICMG 2.9 compliant Chassis Management Controller (CMC) monitoring chassis temperature, power supply status, and voltages on the backplane. The CMC board occupies a dedicated slot above the rear I/O transition slots, with status LEDs visible on the chassis front panel. The C0406A platform suites ideally for applications requiring small rack space, true multi-system clustering with high capacity data storage. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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