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Part Number 02-37351-00
Manufacturer FLEXSTAR
Category PRODUCTS-0
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Flexstar 02-37351-00 Margin Card - Single Channel NPM PWA, 1-CH NWK Power Margin Simple Type: Network Appliance The Flexstar Single Channel Network Power Margin card (NPM) P/N 02-37351-00 consists of four compact switching DC-to-DC converters designed to provide two ‘programmable’ voltage outputs and two ‘fixed’ voltage outputs. The first programmable channel (5V nominal) can be programmed from 0 to 7.5V while the second programmable channel (12V nominal) can be programmed from 0 to 15V. Slew rates can be controlled in 1-millisecond increments for applications requiring moderate rise and fall times. The fixed outputs are +5V at 8A and +12V at 1A, which is sufficient to power most SBC’s (single board computers). The input voltage can be from 15 to 24VDC. Up to 16 NPM cards can be daisy chained together via an on-board RS-485 party line network. The NPM card has its own Micro-controller that handles the communication, addressing, and internal voltage algorithms and calibration. A 4-position jumper header on each card determines the unique network address for each card.

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