RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number FTM-6128C-L80xx
Manufacturer FIBERXON
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FTM-6128C-L80xx is designed for Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) applications at data rates from 155Mbps to 2.67Gbps. It offers a guaranteed minimum optical link budget of 28dB. There are eighteen centre wavelengths available at present: 1270nm, 1290nm, 1310nm, 1330nm, 1350nm, 1370nm, 1390nm, 1410nm, 1430nm, 1450nm, 1470nm, 1490nm, 1510nm, 1530nm, 1550nm, 1570nm, 1590nm and 1610nm, compliant with ITU-T G694.2. Simple Type: CWDM/WDM

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