RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number FASTCOM4222-104
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Fastcom 422/2-104 - Dual Channel RS/422/RS-485 Asynchronous interface for PC/104 Bus Simple Type: Expansion Module Primarily designed for commercial, industrial, and OEM applications, the FASTCOM: 422/2-104 features two discrete RS-422 channels, complete with RTS and CTS flow control signals. The advanced UART on the FASTCOM: 422/2-104 features full compatibility with standard 16C550 and 16C650 UARTs, but provides extraordinary 128-byte receive and transmit FIFOs for buffering. This buffering is extremely important when working with RS-422/RS-485 communications within high-overhead operating systems such as Windows NT and Windows 95/98. The extra-deep FIFOs prevent data loss due to overrun and dramatically improve data throughput in all applications. The advanced UART on the FASTCOM: 422/2-104 is capable of all standard baud rates, plus a high-speed mode capable of up to an amazing 1.5 Mbps.

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