RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number Xcite
Manufacturer EXCELSYS
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Excelsys Xcite Series Power Supply | 1U x 260 x 127 mm Package | Ultra High Efficiency 1U Size! Simple Type: Power Supply The Xcite family of power supplies provides up to an incredible 1200W in an extremely compact 1U x 260 x 127mm package. Boasting industry leading power density of 15W/in3 and efficiencies of up to 90%, the Xcite family employs an innovative plug & play architecture that allows users to instantly configure a custom power solution in less than 5 minutes! Ultra high efficiencies and high power density are made possible through the combination of low loss technologies and the best field-proven technologies in planar magnetics and surface mount electronics. Significantly increased efficiency reduces system thermal load by more than 50%. The Xcite family consists of 4 powerPac models ranging in power levels from 400W to 1200W. Each model may be populated with up to 6 powerMods selected from the table of powerMods shown below. All configurations carry full safety agency approvals, UL60950, EN60950 and are CE marked. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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