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Part Number NWO-300DP
Manufacturer ENOCEAN
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Enocean NWO-300DP KIT EVAL DOLPHIN SENSOR Type | Frequency 315 MHz | EnOcean's energy harvesting and ultra-low power radio technology for wireless applications. Simple Type: Test & Measurement The kit includes electro-mechanical power generators for switches and a solar-powered wireless temperatures sensor. RF signals sent by the self-powered switches and sensors are received by a USB dongle and are visualized via PC software. The devices operate using the FCC-approved 315 MHz frequency. The Dolphin sensor starter kit demonstrates EnOcean's energy harvesting and ultra-low power radio technology for wireless applications. The NWO-300DP comes with electromechanical push-button generators for switches and a solar powered temperature sensor. Radio telegrams sent by the self-powered sensors are received via a USB dongle and visualized via PC software. NWO-300DP (315 MHz) is provided as developer tool without CE certification. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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