RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number HS208LR
Manufacturer DATALOGIC
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Datalogic HS208LR Systems-Long-Range Read/Write Tags Simple Type: System The HS200LR-Series Tags incorporate from 64 bytes up to 32,768 bytes of fast,random access memory and are epoxy encapsulated to withstand the harshest industrial environments. Advanced digital signal processing techniques allow a data transmission speed of 3,000 bytes per second while still using reliable,safe, low-frequency RF. EMS Tags are the only low-frequency RF Tags on the market with such high speed data transfer capability. The long-range of the HS200LR-Series Tags makes them ideal for use in automated systems involving larger pallets or product carriers. Once the Tag is mounted, the product carrier becomes “intelligent,” and can carry with it all information regarding the product or material on the pallet. The very long life of the Tag means that it doesn’t have to be removed. Other than replacing batteries, the Tag does not require maintenance. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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