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Part Number 901661000
Manufacturer DATALOGIC
Category PRODUCTS-9
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Datalogic 901661000 Bar Code Scanner - Gryphon D200 - Barcode scanner - handheld - 270 scan / sec Simple Type: INPUT DEVICES Datalogic has moved a step ahead in the concept of “instinctive reading”. The new Gryphon reader series has been developed to provide optimised reading performancethrough excellent ergonomic design, a natural instinctive reading approach and innovative good reading feedback. The “INSTINCTIVE READING DISTANCE”, a concept introduced by Datalogic a few years ago based on in-depth ergonomic studies, represents the natural position of the user while reading a code. The Gryphon series takes this concept one step further. The series includes two tethered (D100 and D200) and two cordless (M100 and M200) models, allowing operations anywhere mobility is required at the desk/POS and around the shop floor, as well as in a small warehouse. The new “green spot”, (Datalogic patent application) produced by the Gryphon provides “good reading” feedback directly on the code, where the user usually tends to be looking. Correct pointing becomes quick and easy thanks to the sharp and bright illumination line. All these characteristics are coupled with outstanding performance in terms of reading quickness and decoding capability thanks to state-of-the-art optics and a decode rate of 270 scans/sec, making the Gryphon very user friendly, intuitive and fast. Especially optimised optics allow reading of the most popular standard codes with superior depths of field from near contact to over 30 cm. High resolution codes, which can reach 3 mils are also easily read. Two specific models of the Gryphon series (D200 and M200) have also been designed to provide decoding of the PDF417, as well as traditional bar codes. The Gryphon M is 100% compatible with the STAR-System, the new Datalogic RF narrow band solution for mobile applications that provides the widest family of narrow band devices on the market. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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