RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number IP-429HD
Manufacturer CONDOR
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Condor IP-429HD Series High Density IP Module Simple Type: CPU Board Condor’s IP-429HD is an intelligent, high density IP Module (IndustryPack compatible) interface for ARINC related avionics protocols that provides up to 8 pairs of fully independent ARINC 429 channels. Standard IP-429HD features include programmable selection of data rates, parity, on-board buffering modes, error detection and automatic slew rate adjustment. The parametric option adds error injection, programmable input thresholds on Receive channels and adjustable output voltage on Transmit channels. Configuration options include Rx/Tx channel count and a mix of ARINC 429/575 with other avionics protocols (ARINC 561 6-wire, ARINC 573 or ARINC 717). IP modules are industry standard I/O mezzanine boards (about the size of a business card), designed for mounting on host carrier boards to enable cross-platform portability. Up to six IP-429HD modules can be mounted on a single carrier board, providing up to 48 receive and 48 transmit ARINC 429/ 575 channels in one slot. Host carrier boards are available for VME, VXI, PCI, CompactPCI, and PC/AT platforms. Condor’s VME-AIC product line integrates multiple IP-429HD modules with flexible firmware on powerful 68040 or 68060 platforms to provide the industry leading VME and VXI solutions for ARINC 429 and other avionics databus protocols. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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