RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number CPCI-354-20010
Manufacturer CONDOR
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Condor CPCI-354-20010 Power Supply. 350 Watt | 65A | +12,-12,+5,3.3V Quad Outputs Simple Type: Power Supply The SLPower / Condor Power CPCI series (AC input) are highly reliable power supplies for CompactPCI systems, which are increasingly used in communications, industrial, military/aerospace, and other applications. These power supplies offer high power density in plug-in modules that meet the requirements of the PICMG power interface specification for CompactPCI systems. These units may be used as a single power supply for a CompactPCI system, or multiple units may be used in parallel for higher power capability as needed. In addition, all units include current sharing, internal OR-ing diodes, and a hot plug input/output connector to offer full hot swap capability and N+1 redundancy. Also, compatible ac and dc input units offer standardization on a single power supply series for a system mechanical configuration. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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