RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number 115661
Manufacturer COGNAC
Category PRODUCTS-1
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Cognac 115661 CPU Board with Socket 370 and 2 memory slots Simple Type: CPU Board The COGNAC Micro ATX motherboard offers a time to market consumer and corporate desktop solution featuring the Intel Celeron PPGA processor with 66/100MHz front side bus and the Whitney chipsets in a Micro ATX low profile motherboards. In addition, the integrated onchip graphics controller supports 4MB of SDRAM purpose of Display cache memory. The Cognac motherboard was designed to be highly minimized system cost. In this effort a smaller form factor, Micro-ATX, gives the greater space economy and more affordable systems. Integrating onchip graphics controller and SDRAM, as well as onchip AC’97 audio solution with AC97 Codec onto the motherboard eliminates the need for more expensive graphic and audio add-in cards. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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