RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number 300-00-000-00
Manufacturer BRODIE
Category PRODUCTS-3
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Brodie 300-00-000-00 Electronic Batch Controller/Totalizer (115 Vac ±15% 50/60 Hz) or 12 to 24 Vdc ±10% Simple Type: Electronic Batch Controller / Totalizer The Brodie Model 300 two-stage electronic Batch Controller is a microprocessor based panel mounted instrument designed to be used in conjunction with primary flow sensors which have a pulse or contact closure output. The main function of the unit is to provide indication and control of process batch size. The Model 300 factors input pulses into engineering units and provides two control outputs at adjustable set-points. Both local and remote start-stop-reset functions are provided. Selection of counter configurations (reset to zero, set to preset, and inventory totalization), as well as input scaling, preset levels, decimal locations, software selectable debounce settings and special security numbers are all entered on the sealed front key pad by following the displayed instructions. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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