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Part Number 2643G401
Manufacturer BARFIELD
Category PRODUCTS-2
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Fuel Quantity Test Set Simple Type: MISC ELECTRONIC

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Fuel Quantity Test Set Simple Type: MISC ELECTRONIC
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Barfield DFQ40K Test Set. Fuel Quantity Test Set | Capacitance simulation and indicator testing | Completely self contained AC capacitance fuel quantity test system | Custom multi-line backlit graphic display Simple Type: Test & Measurement The DFQ40K is designed for and is compatible with all aircraft, which have AC capacitance, based Fuel Quantity Indicating Systems including those equipped with transient suppressors. The DFQ40K has the ability to measure the insulation breakdown of tank units, wiring and connectors associated with the system, capacitance of the tank units which measure the level of fuel in the tanks and simulation of capacitances required to test and calibrate the aircraft indicating system. In addition to performing the standard capacitance tests of the Tank(s) and or Compensator, the DFQ40K has an additional troubleshooting mode that will provide the user with a relative indication of a problem associated with the Phase of the return current like that provided by the Barfield 2548H tester. The DFQ40K measures Low Resistances, DC Voltage & Indicator Drive Current. The DFQ40K is also equipped to measure the Distance To Fault to localize problems with the HIZ coax, continuity of the Shield Monitor, if the aircraft is so equipped, and Bonding tests to 0.001 Ohm resolution. Download the datasheet (PDF)
Fuel Quantity Test Set Simple Type: MISC ELECTRONIC


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