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Part Number ECM-5610
Manufacturer AVALUE
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Avalue ECM-5610 CPU Board. Intel Pentium III / Celeron | Mini Module | Dual LCD interfaces | AGP 2X 3D graphics | AC97 Audio | Dual 10/100Base-Tx Ethernet Simple Type: CPU Board The AVALUE ECM 5610 Series 5.25" Mini Module supports Intel FC-370 Pentium III / Celeron CPUs with FSB up to 133 MHz. The AVALUE ECM 5610 Series houses an AGP 2X 3D Graphics Accelerator with YUV Video Input, Dual Flat Panel Interfaces, NTSC/PAL TV Output, and Integrated AC97 2.0 Sound Blaster Compatible Audio. The AVALUE ECM 5610 Series delivers such interfaces as: Ultra DMA/100 IDE Interface, Four COM, Two USB, 1 Parallel, and 1 IrDA port, as well as supporting Type I/II Compact Flash Storages. The ECM 5610 Series also features Dual Intel 82559ER 10/100Base-Tx Fast Ethernet. PC/104 Expansion Connector Optional 24-bit Panel Link Interface Download the datasheet (PDF)

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