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Part Number CMA 3000
Manufacturer ANRITSU
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Anritsu CMA 3000 Portable Network Analyzer / Field Tester Simple Type: Network Analyzer CMA 3000 is Anritsu’s next-generation portable and future proof field tester for the installation and maintenance of access and core networks. The CMA 3000 covers a wide range of applications, from fast first-aid troubleshooting to comprehensive, indepth and all-layer analysis of transmission problems. For several applications it is relevant to access the instrument remotely. This is easily achieved by running the FrontSim software option on a PC and the CMA 3000. The FrontSim program carries the screens and alarm indicator LEDS of a remote CMA 3000 to a PC. Likewise mouse-clicks on the PC are transferred to the remote instrument. This allows you to operate the CMA 3000 instrument and view results on a PC exactly as had you been working on the instrument itself, only requirement is that both the PC and the CMA 3000 are connected to a LAN or to the Internet. Furthermore measurement result reports and instrument configuration files can be transferred via FrontSim. Finally upgrade of the instrument SW can be done via FrontSim. It’s possible to open several different FrontSim applications on one PC all at once. This enables you to simultaneously check the results of a number of instruments from one PC. With the FrontSim application you can define a list of connections to remote instruments, specifying a connection name and the IP address of each instrument. This is useful when the CMA 3000 instruments have designated fixed IP addresses, making it very easy to access the instruments by merely selecting from the list shown on your PC. ISO Download the datasheet (PDF)

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