RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number 37369D
Manufacturer ANRITSU
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Frequency; 40 MHz to 40 GHz. Lightning Family Microwave and Millimeter Wave VNAs. Flexible test port configuration, multiple upgrade paths, high stability and reliability. Simple Type: Network Analyzers The Lightning D series microwave and millimeter-wave Vector Network Analyzers encompass a wide range of high performance component and system test tools designed to address the growing needs of defense, satellite, radar, broadband communication, and optoelectronic component markets. Complete measurements solutions to 20, 40 and 65/67 GHz are available in microwave models 37x47D, 37x69D and 37x97D, respectively. And when configured with millimeter-wave modules, Lightning D series can be used for broadband applications covering 40 MHz to 110 GHz in a single coaxial sweep, or up to 500 GHz in waveguide. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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