RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number DBSC1100
Manufacturer AMD
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AMD Geode DBSC1100 Development Board Complete Low-Power Development Tool for Embedded and Industrial x86 Applications Simple Type: CPU Board The AMD Geode SC1100 processor is a member of the AMD Geode family of fully integrated x86 system chips. The SC1100 single-chip processor includes a 32-bit x86-compatible AMD Geode GX1 processor, core logic and selected Super I/O functions. Excluding memory, the features of the Geode SC1100 processor provide all the functionality needed to create an integrated x86 system for various applications including embedded PCs, gateways, set-top boxes and a variety of other uses. The AMD Geode DBSC1100 development board provides a complete solution, including schematics and documentation. Full integration with AMD Geode™ Solutions technologies, low power requirements and design flexibility help reduce costly time-to-market and enable more effective, efficient embedded designs. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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