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Part Number AD7610
Manufacturer AD7610
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Analog Devices AD7610 16-Bit Charge Redistribution Successive Approximation Register Architecture Analog-to-Digital Converter Simple Type: Analog I/O Module The AD7610 is a 16-bit charge redistribution successive approximation register (SAR), architecture analog-to-digital converter (ADC) fabricated on Analog Devices, Inc.'s iCMOS high voltage process. The device is configured through hardware or via a dedicated write only serial configuration port for input range and operating mode. The AD7610 contains a high speed 16-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock, an internal reference (and buffer), error correction circuits, and both serial and parallel system interface ports. A falling edge on CNVST samples the analog input on IN+ with respect to a ground sense, IN-. The AD7610 features four different analog input ranges: 0 V to 5 V, 0 V to 10 V, ±5 V, and ±10 V. Power consumption is scaled linearly with throughput. The device is available in Pb-free 48-lead, low-profile quad flat package (LQFP) and a lead frame chip-scale (LFCSP_VQ) package. Operation is specified from -40°C to +85°C. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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