RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number FST-2310
Manufacturer ACTERNA
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JDSU/Acterna FST-2310 Test Pad - DS1 to OC-12c Network Tester Simple Type: Test & Measurement The Acterna FST-2310 TestPad is an all-in-one testing solution that performs SONET, SDH, T-carrier, data, and circuit switched testing to meet the varied testing requirements of mobile technicians. Its modular architecture protects long-term investment by providing the flexibility, scalability, and upgrade ability to support evolving test needs. Most tests performed using the FST-2310 can be done in only a few button pushes, without the need to sift through hidden setup menus. Additionally, because technicians need only minimal training to use the FST-2310, testing objectives are addressed quickly and the cost of ownership is significantly reduced. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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