RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number AR-B1641
Manufacturer ACROSSER
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Acrosser AR-B1641 CPU Board. Half-sized | PCI | Single Board Computer (SBC) | Tualatin Support up to 1.3G with VGA, LAN, 4 USB, 2COM Simple Type: CPU Board The AR-B1641 Series is a half-size tualatin Pentium III/Celeron PIC Single Board Computer. Targeting on the rapid growing networking, and telecommunication markets, the AR-B1641 Series are designed with Intel Dynamic Video memory technology, and One-10/100M Base-TX Ethernet chips. This makes the AR-B1641 Series a perfect solution for not only popular Networking Applications like Firewall, Gateway, and e-Server, but also for CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) equipments such as PBX, Digital Logger, etc. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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