RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number AR-B1542
Manufacturer ACROSSER
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Acrosser AR-B1542 CPU Board. All-In-One PCI Pentium Grade Single Board Computer w/ VGA/LCD Simple Type: CPU Board The AR-B1542 makes 333Hz, industrial computing a reality. Developed the small size and high speed systems, this half-size PCI card is excellent for embedded applications due to its stand alone operation. Great speeds are attained through the PCI-driven IDE controllers. By providing a PCI interface to these two controllers, the AR-B1542 offers an exciting option for engineers involved in high performance projects. Also, the BIOS are available for the interface peripherals quickly and easily. The system’s 4MB maximum shared memory for VGA display; 512KB synchronous pipeline burst SRAM, one RS-232C and one RS-232C/RS-485 serial port, and two 72-pin SIMM connectors that can support up to 128MB of DRAM. The AR-B1542 is perfect for medical and telecommunications applications, factory floor networks, use as an MMI for high-speed processes, or a controller for graphics intensive systems.

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