RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number AR-B1540
Manufacturer ACROSSER
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Acrosser AR-B1540 CPU Board. All-In-One | PCI | Pentium Grade SBC with VGA/LCD Simple Type: CPU Board The AR-B1540/AR-B1541 makes 333MHz, industrial computing a reality. Developed the small size and high speed systems, this half-size PCI card is excellent for embedded applications due to its stand alone operation, especially because the AR-B1540 provides an on-board LCD controller. Great speeds are attained through the PCI-driven IDE controllers. By providing a PCI interface to these two controllers, the AR-B1540 and AR-B1541 offer an exciting option for engineers involved in high performance projects. Also, the BIOS is available for the interface peripherals quickly and easily. The AR-B1540 comes with 1MB V-RAM onboard, and the AR-B1541 has 4MB maximum shared memory for VGA display. The system comes with 512KB synchronous pipe line burst SRAM, one RS-232C and one RS-232C/RS-485 serial port, and two 72-pin SIMM connectors which can support up to 128MB of DRAM.

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