RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number AR-B1420
Manufacturer ACROSSER
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Acrosser AR-B1420 Compact 486 PC/104 CPU Board | CPU Module with VGA, D.O.C./SSD Simple Type: CPU Board The AR-B1420 is an all-in-one 486 (PC/104) industrial grade CPU module that has been designed to withstand continuous operation in harsh environments. This board can stand alone as a CPU card or be used with other PC/104 compatible cards. The total on-board memory for the AR-B1420 can be configured from 8MB to 144MB by using any 144-pin type SoDIMM. The 8 layer PCB CPU card is equipped with an IDE HDD interface, a floppy disk drive adapter, 1 parallel port, 2 serial ports and a watchdog timer. Its dimensions are as compact as 90.2mm X 95.9mm. Its highly condensed features make it an ideal post/performance solution for high-end commercial and industrial applications where CPU speed and mean time between failures is critical.

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