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Part Number ACE-B5692
Manufacturer ACROSSER
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Acrosser ACE-B5692 Intel GME965 All-in-One Gaming Single Board Computer with 8 Liner (72-pin) and Italian JAMMA Interface, dual VGA, Audio, USB2.0 Simple Type: CPU Board The ACE-B5692 is an Intel GME965 All-in-One Gaming Board running on the Intel Core 2 Duo & Celeron processor and based on the Intel GME965 + ICH8M chipset. The ACE-B5692 also supports dual VGA, 30-bit Interruptible Digital Input, 27-bit High Current Output, 8 Liner and Italian JAMMA Interface, Dual 512KB Battery Backup SRAM with Battery Low Event Logger, 4 x 16-bit Interruptible Timer, and 7-bit Inturssion Logger Input. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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