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Part Number PCM-3430-A10
Manufacturer AAEON
Category PC104-PC104-PLUS
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AAEON PCM-3430-A10 PC Module - PC/104 Plus Ultra Wide SCSI Module, High Speed 32-bit PCI Bus Master DMA Transfer Up to 133MB/sec in Burst Mode, LVD SCSI Cable Length Up to 12 Meters Simple Type: System PC/104 Plus Ultra Wide SCSI Module LSI SYM53C895 PCI-to-Ultra 2 SCSI I/O Processor Performs SCSI data transfers up to 80MB/s, synchronous operations on wide LVD SCSI bus Allows total SCSI cable lengths up to 12 meters Allows up to 15 LVD SCSI devices on this wide bus Complete software solution with BIOS and drivers Drivers are available for DOS, Novell, Netware, Windows NT, Unix Ware, Windows 95/98, OS/2 and Opensaver Power requirement: +5V Dimensions: 3.55" (L) x 3.775" (W) (90mm x 96mm) Operating temperature: 32F to 140F (0C to 60C) Download the datasheet (PDF)

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