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Tape Drive TRI-M TECHNOLOGIES Tri-M Technologies Tape Drives Simple Type: Tape Drive Request Quote
Technical Manual TRI-M TECHNOLOGIES Tri-M Technologies Technical Manuals Simple Type: Technical Manual Request Quote
TMZ104 TRI-M TECHNOLOGIES TRI-M TECHNOLOGIES TMZ104 PC104 Single Board Computer w/ Transmeta Crusoe TM5500 CPU Simple Type: CPU Board The TMZ104 is a PC/104 compliant system controller measuring just 3.55 inches by 3.775 inches. The TMZ104 offers the quickest route of integrating a full x86 AT-compatible computer into your embedded control application using the PC/104 form factor. In addition, the built-in peripherals minimize the number of additional modules required. By combining the system hardware, I/O, software (integrated RTOS image) and solid-state mass storage, the TMZ104 lowers your exposure to possible development risks, costs and significantly reduces your time-to-market. The TMZ104's full compatibility with the popular PC/104 embedded expansion bus allows you to easily integrate the widest selection of low-cost hardware peripherals. The numerous features provide an ideal price/performance solution. Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
TMZ104 KIT TRI-M TECHNOLOGIES TMZ104 Starter Kit Simple Type: Accessory Request Quote
Tool TRI-M TECHNOLOGIES Tri-M Technologies Tools Simple Type: Tool Request Quote