RGT Technology, LLC . . .

Part Number Manufacturer Description Brand Price & Lead Time
PK2210 RABBIT Rabbit PK2210 ZWorld C-Programmable Controller | with 9.216 MHz Clock CPU Board | with 2 × 20 character LCD, 2 × 6 Keypad, Rugged Metal Enclosure Simple Type: C-Programmable Controller Request Quote
PK2220 RABBIT Rabbit PK2220 ZWorld C-Programmable Controller | with 18.432 MHz Clock CPU Board | with 2 × 20 character LCD, 2 × 6 Keypad Simple Type: C-Programmable Controller Request Quote
PK2230 RABBIT Rabbit PK2230 ZWorld C-Programmable Controller | with 9.216 MHz Clock CPU Board Simple Type: C-Programmable Controller Request Quote
PK2240 RABBIT Rabbit PK2240 ZWorld C-Programmable Controller | with 18.432 MHz Clock CPU Board | with 128K flash EPROM, 128 × 64 backlit graphic LCD, 4 × 3 Keypad, Rugged Metal Enclosure Simple Type: C-Programmable Controller Request Quote
PK22xx RABBIT Rabbit PK22xx Series Z180-Based CPU Boards Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
Rabbit 1600 RABBIT Rabbit Rabbit 1600, BL 1600 Little-G Simple Type: Embedded Solutions Request Quote
RABBIT2000 RABBIT Rabbit 2000 TCP/IP Board Simple Type: Embedded Solutions Request Quote
RCM3710 RABBIT Low-EMI Rabbit 3000 at 22.1 MHz. features 256K Flash, 128K SRAM, 4 Serial ports, and an extremely small footprint. Model RCM3710 Simple Type: Embedded Solutions Request Quote
RCM3720 RABBIT Low-EMI Rabbit 3000 at 22.1 MHz. features 512K Flash, 256K SRAM, 4 Serial ports, and an extremely small footprint. Model RCM3720 Simple Type: Embedded Solutions Request Quote
SmartBlock RABBIT Rabbit SmartBlock Series Z180-Based CPU Boards Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
Z180 RABBIT Rabbit Z180 18.432 MHz Microprocessor Simple Type: Microprocessor Request Quote