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Part Number eBOX-2300
Manufacturer DM&P
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DMP-eBOX-2300-Systems Fanless VESA PC Set top eBox-2300 Series, Vortex86-200Mhz Simple Type: System Learning by example is an effective method to learn and becomefamiliar with new technologies. This jumpstart guide, using hands-on-lab approach with step-by-step instruction, is created to show the process of creating, customizing, building and downloading a Windows Embedded CE 6.0 image on to eBox-2300 using the ICOP_Vortex86_60B Board-Support-Package. This guide also shows how to create a Hello-world Visual Studio 2005 C# managed code application, establish a connection between eBox-2300 and Visual Studio 2005 workstation using Corecon and download the application to eBox-2300. Thisjumpstart guide helps developers new to Windows CE becomefamiliar with Windows CE’s tools and development environment quickly.

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